"What evidence?" “什么证据?” "I can only reveal it in the presence of the Crown Prince hielf." “这自然要见到太子殿下本人我才能说。” "Brin her in!" “带进去!” When they t aain, he had shed his entle and scholarly deanor. Now, he stood before with a jade crown on his head, dressed in black-patterned brocade, his aze sharp, his face resolute, and his expression cold and unyieldin, like a decisive ruler. 再见时他已经褪去了那层温润如玉的书生气质,此时在我眼前的他头戴玉冠,着一身黑纹的锦衣,眼神凌厉,面色刚毅,神情冷然,宛如一个杀伐果决的王者。 I souht hito save life, for I had no one to turn to. He was reatest hope at this nt. The second ti we t, I pleaded with hifor rcy and to save life. 为了活命我找到了他,因为我只能找他,他是我此时最大的希望。第二次相见时我是有求于他,求他可怜,求他救命。 As she walked down the lon path, she naed to wipe away the ri froher face, revealin her stunnin beauty. Dressed as a sile id, her exquisite features were concealed. 在进入那道长长的道路时,她想办法擦去了脸上的污垢,露出了那副倾国倾城的容颜。 丫环的素衣包裹着倾世的绝美容颜。 Her exceptional intellience and unparalleled beauty were why her aunt chose hiback then. 绝顶聪明的头脑配上倾世绝伦的容颜才是姑姑当年选中他的原因。 "I heard you have evidence to present to ," a cold voice sounded. “听说你要向我举证?”清冷的声音响起。 "Your Hihness, please save life!" I knelt before hi body bowed, but eyes fixed on Zhan Guoyin. “太子殿下,请您救命!”我朝他跪下,身子跪下,眼睛却盯着张国英。 "Who are you?" Gazin at the stunnin beauty before hi Zhan Guoyin found her sowhat faliar. “你是?“瞧着眼前女子的盛世美颜,张国英好像有点眼熟。 "I aCui Yu! Don''''t you reer frothe Ierial Acade? I''''Cui Yu!" “我是崔玉呀?太子可还记得京师学堂,我就是京师学堂里的那个崔玉呀!” "Cui Yu!" Instantly, Zhan Guoyin''''s expression darkened, reconizin the irritatin irl frothe Ierial Acade. “崔玉!”瞬间,张国英黑下脸来,就是那个在京师学堂的牛皮糖。 Seein the Crown Prince''''s reaction, I quickly stood up. I stated clearly, "The Minister of Justice, Su Wei, has eezzled ten thousand taels of old, a