  1. 书趣阁
  2. 其他类型
  3. 开始于失败之时
  4. 第七十七章 发卷的绿植

第七十七章 发卷的绿植(2 / 2)

oin and con ,how in a hurry? When I ot up in the rnin ,three sides of slantin sun ca into the cabin. The sun had feet and ved ently and quietly. I also blankly follow the rotation.So ,while washin his hands ,the days passed throuh the basin. When eatin ,the days pass frothe rice bowl. In silence ,it passed throuh the startin eyes. I sensed that it was in a hurry ,and when i stretched out hand to cover it ,he passed it aain. When it was dark, when i was lyin in bed, it stepped over cleverly and flew away fro feet. When I opened eyes and said oodbye to the sun ,it was another day that slipped away. I hid face and sihed ,but the new day flashed by in a sih.”  “在逃去如飞的日子里,在千门万户的世界里的我能做些什么呢?只有徘徊罢了,只有匆匆罢了;在八千多日的匆匆里,除徘徊外,又剩些什么呢?过去的日子如轻烟,被微风吹散了,如薄雾,被初阳蒸融了;我留着些什么痕迹呢?我何曾留着像游丝样的痕迹呢?”  “In the days of fliht ,what can I do in the world of thousands of falies?Only wanderin ,only in a hurry; In the rush of re than 8000 days,what is left except wanderin? The old days are like ske,dispersed by the breeze; Like st, evaporated by the rnin sun; What traces do I leave? Have I ever left a trace like a ossar?”  “聪明的你,告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?”  “Tell ,wise you ,why are our days one forever?”  想着这个问题,好像在问自己,可是,这个问题很难回答,因为,自己的时间也是这样匆匆的过去,何曾留下些什么,错过了太多的时间,也错过了太多的美好,看着手中的数据,只好一个个地统计着,输入到电脑里,做成表格的形式。  工厂里的数据怎么会在老板的手上,是不是老板又接了新的业务,要不,他的办公室怎么焕然一新了?原来,很拥挤的办公桌也换成气派的老板桌,办公室也高端不少。  思云想着自己快三十出头了,可是,还是一个小小的职员,一切都好像没有变化,再不用心工作,会不会被无情的淘汰,这个念头闪现在脑海里。  一想到会被淘汰,内心觉得很崩溃,如果,又失业了怎么办?面对自己的会是什么,父母失望的双眼,周围人的鄙夷,朋友的无助,这些好像动画在脑海里闪现,忽然,有一种想哭的感觉,眼泪忍不住的落下来。  一颗颗的泪水,从脸上滑落,可是,抬头看见别的员工都在工作,只好抺去了眼泪,如果,让其它的员工看见自己落泪,会不会嘲笑自己,或者,打小报告,这样,自己不是更加的被动。  思云只好更加努力的敲击着键盘,让这些声音,来掩盖内心的胆怯和苦闷。

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